Malton Museum has been gearing up for a busy summer programme with town tours and a lecture to whet your appetite.

The Summer schedule is now available to book on our website. There is a range of weekend and evening tours to suit customer preferences.

All events can be pre-booked on our website or just turn up on the day.

Summary of dates:

Date of Tour Event Name Rendezvous Start Time

Sat 10th August Romans in Malton (Tour) Orchard Field (Old Maltongate entrance) 11am

Thu 17th August Severus in the North of Britain (lecture) Museum 7.30pm

Tues 20th August Horses in Malton (Tour) Milton Rooms 6.30pm

Sat 24th August River, Road, Railway (Tour) Museum 11am

Sat 31st August Georgian Boom Time (Tour) Museum 1.30pm

Sat 7th Sept Horses in Malton (Tour) Museum 11am

Cost for all events is £10 per person and the tours include an information pack.

For more information about our tours, including accessibility statement, please visit

To make a booking please click

Malton Museum Town Tour – Romans in Malton

Saturday 10th August 2024

11:00 am to 12:30 pm

Meet at Roman Fort, Orchard Fields, just off Old Maltongate

Archaeological work on Malton’s Roman Fort suggests that it was one of very few in the country that was probably operated in varying strength throughout most of the Roman occupation. Roman soldiers were efficient builders and military forts were regularly altered, abandoned and re-instated as necessity arose. Partly built over later by the Normans and cut through even later by a railway track, what is left of the fort site is an unevenly shaped grass field with banks and ditches, but with many hidden stories to discover. Our tour explains the layout of the fort, and the people who lived there for a time. Come and learn about the life of a typical Roman soldier.

Please note that the fort is an uneven area of roughly mown grass which can also be damp in wet weather, so please wear suitable footwear.

Malton Museum Lecture – Severus in the North of Britain (Simon Elliot)

Thursday August 15th 10th August 2024

11:00 am to 12:30 pm

Entrance at Malton Museum

On Thursday August 15th Malton Museum has a lecture on Severus in the North of Britain by author Simon Elliot.

The talk is about Severus who was emperor from 193 to 211 a.d. and was the first emperor not to have been born in Rome but in Libya in 145 a.d. He came to Britian and sent about strengthening Hadrian’s Wall before reoccupying and strengthening the Antonine Wall in what is known as the Scottish Central Belt. He waged a successful was against the Scottish tribes but was taken ill and died in Eboracum (York) in 211. The recent archaeological dig at Carlisle has revealed much about this time.

As well as being an author Simon is an archaeologist, historian, and broadcaster. His books include “Empire State -How the Roman Military Built an Empire”, “Romans at War - An in-depth study of the Roman military in the Republic and Empire”, and “Julius Caesar - Rome's Greatest Warlord”.

Simon stated “the lecture will be based on my existing Severus in Scotland book, and will look ahead to my full biography “The African Emperor due at the beginning of next year!”.

Malton Museum Town Tour – Horses in Malton

Tuesday 20th August 2024 at 18:30 pm to 20:00 pm

Saturday 7th September at 11:00 am

Meet outside Milton Rooms

This tour explores Malton’s strong connection with horses from before Roman Times. Malton had the largest horse market in the country for hundreds of years and numerous coaching inns, many still recognisable. Malton and Norton’s prime importance as a centre of horse racing earned the description ‘more stables than beds’.

The tour takes about 90 minutes. Audio headsets are available to ensure everyone can hear the guides when the town is busy.

Malton Museum Town Tour – River, Road, Railway

Saturday 24th August 2024

11:00 am to 12:30 pm

Meet at Malton Museum

Malton Museum offers an interesting variety of public guided walking tours around the town’s historic centre.

The route of this tour follows Malton’s trade and transport systems through several centuries. We walk along the once bustling riverbank from Navigation Wharf, through Water Lane and down to the railway station. In its heyday this was an important junction occupying several acres, with sidings for coal storage, an engine shed and huge cattle and horse docks.

The tour takes about 90 minutes. Audio headsets are available to ensure everyone can hear the guides when the town is busy.

Malton Museum Town Tour – Georgian Boom Time

Saturday 31st August 2024

13:30 pm to 15:00 pm

Meet at Malton Museum

Focused around the market place, this guided tour describes the layout of the earlier medieval town before telling the story of the Georgian market town which became a prosperous regional market centre for nearly three centuries. It also explores the impact of a wealthy family who created new trading opportunities and influenced the developing horse racing industry.

The tour takes about 90 minutes. Audio headsets are available to ensure everyone can hear the guides when the town is busy.