A couple who have given their time to support and develop Pickering Memorial Hall for two decades have stepped down from their roles.

Tony and Mal Danks have served in the positions for treasurer and secretary respectively as well as being trustees of the Pickering War Memorial Hall Charitable Trust.

However, Mal said that as they are both in their 80th year, the couple had decided to step down.

She said: "During our tenure we have been lucky enough to work with a very active and committed group of Trustees who have overseen the the Hall develop from a slightly precarious financial position in 2004 to a strong and vibrant local Community Hall with a 'bob or two' in the bank in case of emergencies in 2024.

"Our thanks must go out to them and to our superb manager, Joy Andrews and her wonderful staff for all the work and support they have given to the Hall in general, and to us personally.

"We have been lucky enough to have been succeeded by Richard and Helene Haythorne, who have so very kindly (some may say very bravely) taken on the roles of Treasurer and Secretary. Helene is an ex-Mayor of Pickering and a tireless worker for the Town, both Richard and Helene have good business heads and real community spirit. They also have the advantage of being relatively young and I have absolutely no doubt that the Hall will go from strength to strength as a result of their appointments."