MORE than £10,000 worth of damage has been carried out during a burglary at Norton College.

Police are appealing to trace four youths captured on CCTV after the school's sports hall was extensively damaged and classrooms ransacked.

A spokesperson said: "We’re urgently appealing for information about a burglary at Norton College, Norton, in which more than £10,000 worth of damage was caused.

"It happened on Sunday evening when four youths entered the college campus.

"While on site, they have entered buildings and caused extensive damage rendering the sports hall unusable.

"Classrooms have been disturbed with equipment damaged within.

"Items have also been stolen from drawers and schoolwork desecrated.

"Enquiries are fast-paced and multiple lines of enquiry have been identified.

"We’re particularly appealing for information to help identify any of the four youths captured on the CCTV image.

"If you know who they are please do the right thing and make a report.

"We are also appealing to residents who live in the areas around Norton College campus.

"Did you notice four young people in sportswear and masks? Or recall anything suspicious just before 7pm or after 8.30pm on Sunday?

"Please email if you have any information that could help our investigation quoting 12240120908.

"Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or via their website."