A GROUP of fundraisers are taking on a 22-mile challenge for a youth homelessness charity this weekend.

The participants will be walking from Scarborough Castle to Whitby Abbey in the event organised by youth homeless charity, Safe and Sound Homes (SASH) and outdoor activities company Hiking Adventures.

The 22-mile walk is along the coastal Cleveland to help raise funds for SASH which offers safe accommodation and the support a young person needs to rebuild their life.

SASH needs to raise approximately £500,000 per year from supporters and donors within the communities it serves.

Personal Trainer and participant Georgina Brown said: “When I found about the walk, I instantly thought that would be a great challenge for myself, and even better if I could get a group together, to help raise money and awareness of the charity along the way. Being a parent myself, I appreciate the hard work the charity does. After mentioning the walk to my clients, we soon had a small group together, and training was underway. Walking is a very underestimated form of exercise and it’s given my clients and I, a goal to work towards.”

SASH Fundraising Officer, Aimee Harding said: “We are so excited to be able to offer the Castle to Abbey Coastal Challenge. Our community challenge events are not only essential within our fundraising calendar, they are also a great opportunity for people to get together and have fun, but at the same time raising vital funds for SASH and making a real difference to the lives of young people. We would like to thank and say good luck to the participants who have signed up for the challenge this year and we are looking forward to a great and rewarding day!”

SASH provides emergency accommodation for young people facing homelessness at a time of crisis and longer-term accommodation within its supported lodgings scheme, across North and East Yorkshire. Its housing model uses the homes of a network of hosts. Many 16–25-year-olds achieve more within a stable home environment than within other housing options.

Supporting a young person facing homelessness to build a brighter future is as much about tackling the root cause of their homelessness as it is about putting a roof over their head. That’s why SASH provides an enhanced support programme to its young people that is focused around being emotional resilience and wellbeing, education, employment and training to develop life skills to enable them to live and thrive independently in the future.

To sponsor the walking group go to https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/castletoabbey24 or to get involved in future events email fundraising@sash-uk.org.uk