A woman has been jailed for causing bodily harm by “wanton and furious driving” after “flying” around a blind corner on her bicycle with no brakes and knocking over a pedestrian, causing catastrophic injuries.

Lisa Wade, 46, was drunk, riding one-handed on the pavement and holding a large bag of dog food in her other hand, when she ploughed into the 64-year-old woman, knocking her off her feet, York Crown Court heard.

Prosecutor Laura McBride said that the pedestrian, from York, had been chatting to an acquaintance on a footpath beside the Green Lane roundabout in Acomb when Wade “flew” around the corner at a “furious” speed and knocked her to the ground.

She suffered catastrophic hip injuries and was laid out in the road during a two-hour wait for an ambulance.

Wade, who remained at the scene, was charged with causing bodily harm by wanton and furious driving – a rare offence under a piece of legislation which dates back to the Victorian era.

The “tragic” accident occurred on March 24 last year when Wade sped around a blind corner “obstructed by hedging”.

The pedestrian, now 65, was knocked over and fell into the road, but “mercifully” there were other people around who rushed to her aid.

Two hours later, an ambulance arrived and took her to Leeds General Infirmary where she underwent “extensive” surgery to replace her hip and wasn’t discharged from hospital until April. She also developed pneumonia.

Her injuries had had a life-changing and “traumatic” effect on her life, family and career, the court heard.

Ms McBride said that a police officer at the scene noticed there was “no braking mechanism” on Wade’s bicycle. She was “pacing about” and “smelled of alcohol” but remained at the scene.

Causing bodily harm by wanton and furious driving was an offence first introduced in the mid-19th century to address the dangers posed by the increasing use of horse-drawn carriages.

Wade, of Tudor Road, York, admitted the offence.

Ms McBride said that Wade was “highly impaired by alcohol” at the time of the collision and was using one hand to steer a bike with “no working brakes”. She was “clearly impaired” by drink and had a long-standing drug and alcohol habit.

In a victim statement read out by the prosecution, the pedestrian said it was a long time before she was able to return to full-time work and when she did, she wasn’t able to work to the same capacity.

She was initially housebound, had to rely on friends and family and felt “considerable social isolation”.

She had hoped to work beyond her retirement, which was due to be in September this year to mark her birthday, but due to her injuries this was now in serious doubt.

“This accident has made me helpless,” she added.

Wade, who led a “somewhat chaotic” life, had a criminal record comprising 137 offences.

Defence barrister Nicholas Hammond said that Wade’s actions were “reckless in the extreme” but she was “genuinely remorseful”.

Recorder Taryn Turner said that Wade’s “furious” riding had led to “tragic” consequences for the woman whose “life…was changed, probably forever”.

She handed Wade an eight-month jail sentence.