One of York’s most well-known performance companies has announced its main summer production.

York Opera will present ‘The Sorcerer’ at York Theatre Royal in St Leonard’s Place from July 3 to July 6.

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A spokesperson for the performing company said: “Since its formation in 1966, York Opera has regularly included the works of Gilbert and Sullivan in its repertoire.

“Written in 1877, very early in the formation of the famous partnership, ‘The Sorcerer’ was the first of their full-length operas.

'We are well under way with rehearsals, and it is shaping up to be a fantastic opera'

“In the work we see the pattern for all the major works which followed – ‘HMS Pinafore’ to ‘The Gondoliers’.

“The central character, John Wellington Wells (family sorcerer of St Mary Axe) was the first in the line of the comedy ‘patter’ roles followed in the ensuing years by The Major General, The Lord Chancellor, Koko and many others.”

The stage director for York Opera’s latest production of ‘The Sorcerer’ is John Soper - who played the role of John Wellington Wells in the group’s last staging of the opera in 2001.

John said: “It is a delight to be revisiting this great comic opera but this time as the director!

“We are well under way with rehearsals, and it is shaping up to be a fantastic opera.”

The cast have all been involved in numerous York Opera shows in the past.

Leading ‘The Sorcerer’ cast in the title role will be Anthony Gardner, whose last principal role with York Opera was Dick Deadeye in HMS Pinafore in 2022.

A main role will be taken by Hamish Brown as Alexis.

Hamish previously starred as Macduff in 2023’s Macbeth and Tamino in The Magic Flute which came to the stage in 2021 as Alexis.

Alexandra Mather, who portrayed Joesphine in HMS Pinafore in 2022 and Pamina in The Magic Flute, will play Alexis’ beloved Aline.

Chris Charlton-Matthews, who directed The Elixir of Love in 2023, takes the stage as the vicar Dr Daly.

Ian Thomson-Smith, who played the eponymous lead in 2023’s Macbeth 2023 and also Captain Corcoran in HMS Pinafore in 2022 will play Sir Marmaduke Pointdextre.

Rebecca Smith who played Little Buttercup in HMS Pinafore in 2022, will be the aristocratic Lady Sangazure and Amanda Shackleton, who depicted Dame Hannah in 2010’s Ruddigore, will be the ‘pew opener’ Mrs Partlet.

Emma Burke, who portrayed Gianetta in Elixir of Love in 2023, performs as Mrs Partlet’s daughter, Constance.

‘The Sorcerer’ plays at York Theatre Royal Main House from Wednesday, July 3 at 7.30pm with performances daily to Saturday, July 6 inclusive at the same time with a matinee performance at 2.30pm on July 6.

The running time is 2 hours 15 minutes.

For tickets, call 019 0462 3568 or visit