A LEADING expert on the history of the Romans in Malton and Norton is giving a talk next week.

Dr Pete Wilson will be discussing 'Thinking about Romans in Malton, Norton and beyond'.

Of particular interest is why the name of Derventio now applies to Stamford Bridge and why Malton is now known as Delgovicia.

Dr Wilson was formerly Head of Research Policy (Roman Archaeology) at English Heritage and is now an Independent Consultant.

He has published extensively on 'The Roman North' and Yorkshire in particular.

In 2021, with Janet Phillips, he produced the most recent major publication on Roman Malton/Norton - 'Life, Death and Rubbish Disposal in Roman Norton, North Yorkshire, Excavations at Brooklyn House 2015-16'.

Dr Wilson is a Trustee of the Kirk Settlement, the material which forms the core of Malton Museum's Roman collection, and The Vindolanda Trust. He is also Chair of Trustees of the Senhouse Roman Museum in Maryport.

The lecture will be held in the Assembly Rooms with entrance through Malton Museum in Yorkersgate on Thursday, June 20, at 7pm. The cost is £10 per person.

Bookings for all summer lectures can be made via the website in the near future. www.maltonmuseum.co.uk/events

Malton Museum is open on Thursday, Friday and Saturdays throughout the summer