A FORMER teaching assistant who repeatedly had sex with a 10-year-old boy has been jailed for eight years.

Denise Povall, now 61, carried out what police described as an “evil and sustained” campaign of abuse of the child. She gave him gifts and groomed him. 

She denied a series of sexual offences against the child, committed in the 2000s when she worked at a school in the Harrogate district.

But a jury convicted her at the end of a five-day trial at York Crown Court of sexual assault and six charges of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.

Soheil Khan, prosecuting said the boy “felt like he always wanted to be with Denise Povall and he thought this was love” when he opened the case against her.

When the boy’s mother found texts from Povall on a phone the teaching assistant had bought him, she took action to prevent further abuse.

The boy didn’t tell police about what Povall had done to him until he was an adult and said the abuse had deeply affected his life.

Povall, of Bondgate, Ripon, was jailed for eight years and will be on the sex offenders’ register for life.

After the hearing, Detective Constable Alison Morris, who led the investigation for North Yorkshire Police, said: “This has been a long and extensive investigation into some of the most serious types of offences we encounter as detectives.

“What we uncovered can only be described as evil and sustained sexual abuse of a young child by a paedophile.

“Povall has taken absolutely no accountability for the damage she has done to her victim’s life, so I’m glad we’ve been able to help the victim secure some sort of closure.

“He’s been incredibly brave coming forward, especially given the common misconception that women don’t commit these sort of crimes.”

DC Morris added: “Due to the way paedophiles such as Povall groom, manipulate and control their victims, we know child sexual abuse is under-reported.

“So I want anyone who thinks they may have been sexually assaulted – no matter how long ago it happened – to know they can come forward. We have specially-trained officers and we work with organisations that provide excellent practical and emotional support.

“You can speak to us any time on 101, report it through our website or speak to Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. You’ll also find more information about the support available to you on our website.”