This May the Malton & District Flower Club held their Spring open meeting, entitled ‘A Floral Anthology’. What a treat. We were bedazzled by the lovely Lucy Richardson with a fabulous array of colour and quite an education from folk law to medicinal properties, to what’s toxic, edible and scented in our gardens and meadows. Lucy loves working with natural materials such as drift wood, bark, willow and moss, and often uses flowers to enhance an arrangement, allowing the elaborate and cleverly constructed mechanics to shine. After being in the business of floristry, as a florist, teacher and demonstrator for over 40 years this was Lucy’s last big demonstration and she now plans to freelance as a florist.

Our next meeting will be an outing to – ‘Burton Agnes Hall’. Tuesday, June 18.

For more information please contact:

Program Secretary: Lorna Mastaglio, 07706058925,

Chairman: Pam Russell, 07890884743,

Minutes Secretary: Mary Kemp, 0778058281,