FRIENDS and work colleagues of a man who suffered a rare and often fatal heart condition are taking part in a 'one peak' walk this week to mark his unbelievable recovery.

Martin Ingamells was taken ill with a Aortic Dissection, a serious condition that occurs when there is a partial tear in the aortic wall, the heart’s main artery while at work in September 2022.

The 55-year-old who had no previous history of cardiac issues successfully came through his operation, following a long recovery returned to his job at Classic & Sportscar Centre and Malton Coachworks

The potentially life-changing incident inspired his colleagues to complete the Yorkshire Three Peaks in November of the same year to raise funds for the Aortic Dissection Charity Fund.

This Friday, the team will join Martin and his family to tackle Wherndale to make his recovery.

Martin, who is now back at work, said what had happened had been such a shock.

“Friday the 30th September was a normal Friday morning, nondescript if I’m honest. I was making a repair panel for the inner wheel arch when I felt a tightening across my chest that was quite disconcerting and then pressure in between my shoulder blades and a tearing sensation followed by quite a cool feeling down my back.”

Martin was eventually sent for a CT scan which showed he’d had an Aortic Dissection.

He added: “I was immediately taken by ambulance to Castle Hill hospital to receive the treatment I needed. This involved a 10.5 hour operation to repair the damage to the aorta and fit a metal valve in my heart to regulate the blood in to the previously damaged area. I was in hospital recovering from open heart surgery for the next three weeks and fighting a way back to recovery.

James Szkiler, CEO of Classic & Sportscar Centre and Malton Coachworks, said: “This potentially life-changing incident was not only a horrific shock to Martin and his family, but also to his colleagues.“Martin’s story gave the management team the drive to make a difference and to do something to raise awareness and funding for the Aortic Dissection Charity Fund and several members of the team completed the Yorkshire Three Peaks in November 2022, raising over £6,500 for ADCT - The Aortic Dissection Charitable Trust."

James said: "Martin made a great recovery, was back to work during 2023 and we thought it would be nice to walk one peak with him and his family to show what an unbelievable recovery he really has made. This Friday, a team of us from Classic and Sportscar Ltd and Malton Coachworks will join Martin and his family, with the company treating for lunch once we’ve tackled Whernside."

Anyone who would still like to make a donation can do so at