Temperatures are expected to hit 21 degrees C in York today as the recent warm spell continues.

There will be plenty of sunshine in York throughout the afternoon – though conditions this evening will be a little more overcast, with patchy low cloud, mist and fog overnight, spreading inland from the coast.

Nevertheless, there will still be some clear spells tonight – which means that those who missed out on last night’s spectacular Northern Lights show in York may just get another chance to see them tonight.

Gazette & Herald: The weather forecast in York for this afternoon and eveningThe weather forecast in York for this afternoon and evening (Image: Met Office)

The bands of pink and green light – also known as the aurora borealis - were seen across York and the UK last night after an ‘extreme’ geomagnetic storm caused them to be more visible.

Chris Snell, a meteorologist at the Met Office, said there were sightings "from top to tail across the country".

On the prospects for a repeat performance tonight, he said: "It is hard to fully predict what will happen in the Earth's atmosphere.

“But there will still be enhanced solar activity tonight, so the lights could be visible again in northern parts of the UK, including Scotland, Northern Ireland and the far north of England."

Gazette & Herald: Josh Ogiela was out fishing near Kexby last night, when this happened in the night skies above his head. It was 'lovely to experience', he saidJosh Ogiela was out fishing near Kexby last night, when this happened in the night skies above his head. It was 'lovely to experience', he said (Image: Josh Ogiela)

Whether or not the Northern Lights do return tonight, we’re likely to be in for a few days of decent weather.

There will be plenty of sunshine around in the York area tomorrow morning, according to the Met Office.

And while it will be a little more overcast tomorrow afternoon, temperatures should still hit a warm 21 degrees.

It might even feel a little humid and thundery, but any showers are likely to affect the Pennines rather than the Vale of York.

It will remain warm in York on Monday, with occasional sunshine and temperatures of up to 20 degree C, before turning slightly cooler, with showers and sunny spells, on Tuesday.