A TALENTED York schoolgirl has qualified as a jockey.

Alice Cooke, who lives in Whenby in Ryedale and goes to The Mount School in the city, is just 16 and has been riding since she was only four.

She became a qualified jockey after taking an intensive two-days’ worth of rigorous tests.

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Passing the tests with flying colours, Alice enjoyed her first race recently, coming sixth, in her inaugural race at Newcastle Racecourse on Nigel Tinkler’s horse Athollblair Boy.

Alice is skilled at three types of horse-riding. She has enjoyed success at tetrathlon and eventing over the years, and is now excelling at racing.

Gazette & Herald: Alice on horsebackAlice on horseback (Image: Supplied)

Alice said: “I’ve loved every second. It’s such a great opportunity and I can’t wait to do it again. In the future, I hope to do more racing and then become a physio for The Injured Jockeys Fund.”

A spokesperson for The Mount said: "Alice has made her family and school very proud. We’re chomping at the bit to see what’s next."