SIX village primary schools in the Scarborough area have buried time capsules containing information about recent events.

The project, at Snainton, Brompton, Wykeham, Hackness, East Ayton and Seamer was the idea of the area’s North Yorkshire Councillor, David Jeffels who funded it from his NYC Locality Budget.

The aim, he said, was to enable today’s pupils to record their experiences of life during the Covid crisis and the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. The capsules were buried in identified locations.

“The aim is for the capsules to be dug up in 50 years’ time when the children will hopefully be present, possibly with their children and even grandchildren, to see how the children of 2022 coped with the trauma of the pandemic and enjoyed the celebrations in their own villages of the Queen’s Jubilee. Sadly it was to be overshadowed by her passing just three months later and that milestone was also included in some of the children’s contributions into the capsule.”