A new project has been launched to help provide the endangered swift bird with a permanent home on the grounds of Ampleforth Abbey.

Four swift boxes - which include two nests in each box - were installed on Alban Roe House, which is currently under renovation to include the Abbey’s new Visitor Centre Experience. Nine nest boxes were also placed around the grounds for other species of birds to make home.

This is part of a wider bird conservation project at the Abbey, with funding for these initial boxes aided by the Howardian Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).

Georgia Davies, Ecology and Environmental Connections Lead, has been working closely with Jonathan Pomroy, local artist, conservationist, and author of On Crescent Wings - a Portrait of the Swift.

Jonathan, who will be advising on the sighting of nest boxes for swifts and other species in the Abbey grounds, said: “Swifts only land to nest. They feed, sleep, drink, bathe and even mate on the wing.

"They spend May-August in the UK before migrating to Africa to spend our winter in constant flight. As more and more roofs become sealed and renovated, swifts have become blocked from their former nest sites and are now Red Listed as a species of the highest global conservation concern. That’s why projects like these are so important.”

Fr Edgar Miller, who has been a monk at the Abbey for just over 60 years, said this was a project close to the monastery’s heart.

“As a Benedictine Monastery, stewardship and hospitality are two of our core values. Therefore, we must supervise and take care of this beautiful environment that God has created, and all its unique wildlife. It is a pleasure to provide a home to the swift and we hope they thrive and multiply in numbers whilst enjoying the valley.”

The Abbey’s ecologist Georgia Davies who has been coordinating the project on behalf of the monastic community said that having the support of the Howardian Hills AONB was invaluable:
She said: “The AONB have been incredibly supportive of this initiative. We look forward to working closely with them as we introduce more projects like this which enhance and protect biodiversity on site. Thanks to them and the help of Jonathan Pomroy, visitors to the Abbey will not only be able to learn about the importance of bird conservation but will be able to see and hear these wonderful birds for many summers to come.”
Ellie Hook from the Howardian Hills AONB team said: “We are delighted to have worked with Ampleforth Abbey to provide swifts with new places to nest. Our Project Fund provides grants to assist with the management of the landscape, biodiversity, historic environment, and enjoyment of the AONB and we welcome applications from local organisations and communities."

For more information emails info@howardianhills.org.uk