A FUNERAL DIRECTORS in Ryedale will be bringing their organ on tour to entertain people across the area for Christmas.

E & A R Agar Funeral Directors, based in Norton, will take the Dignity PLC charity organ to care homes around Malton and surrounding areas to celebrate the festive season.

The organ will arrive outside the care homes to entertain residents and play Christmas music, with free mince pies also on offer.

If the weather is poor, residents can watch and hear the music from inside.

Business lead at E & AR Agar Funeral Directors, James Sharp, said: “(Residents) love it. They come outside and dance to the music.”

Available dates for the organ are December 22 and 23. 

Care homes interested in a visit from the charity organ, are asked to give James a call to book on 01653 692926.

There is no charge for visits, with the purpose to entertain and brighten up the days of residents.

READ MORE: Ryedale road closures this week – up to 30-minute delays on A64