A NEW online system has been launched to apply for free school meals in North Yorkshire.

The digital application, created by North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC), involves a four-step process and tells applicants instantly if their child is eligible.

Applications must be in by September 5 to receive free school meals from the first day of term.

Who is eligible for free school meals?

All children in reception, Year 1 and Year 2 automatically qualify for free school meals and do not need to submit an application.

Families with a child in Year 3 or above – and who receive certain benefits – need to apply in order to have free school meals from the first day of term.

Applicants will need their National Insurance Number, or National Asylum Support Service number and a copy of a document such as a Universal Credit statement.

The new form also links to Google Translate, so can be accessed in any language. 

When can you apply for free school meals?

Families can apply for free school meals at any point in the school year, but to receive them from the first day of term, parents and carers need to apply as soon as possible.  

If someone is already receiving free school meals will they have to reapply?

Parents and carers already receiving free school meals do not need to reapply, as their meals will continue as normal.

This includes pupils who are moving up from primary to secondary school, as NYCC automatically transfers the eligibility with the child.

What happens if my child has allergies?

School catering teams can offer individual appointments to parents and carers of children with food allergies and intolerances, to provide information and reassurance.

Executive member for education and skills at NYCC, Cllr Annabel Wilkinson, said: “If you receive certain benefits, please check to see if you are eligible for free school meals.

“Even if you are worried your child is a fussy eater, school catering staff are very good at introducing new foods to children gradually, for instance, by providing small taster pots of a dish they may not have tried before at lunchtime. There are also several choices of foods each day.

“Importantly, school meals contain the right balance of nutrients and calories your child needs in order to help with their energy levels and concentration throughout the day.

“The new, online application system for school meals has been designed to be much more user-friendly and will let you know straight away if your child is eligible for free school meals. Once you have found out, your child should be able to access free school meals within five days.”

The digital application form to apply for free school meals can be found here: https://fisportal.northyorks.gov.uk/Synergy/fsm_prereq.aspx

For more information about cost-of-living support from NYCC, visit their Cost-of-living support page: https://www.northyorks.gov.uk/cost-living-support