A STEEL BUYER from Norton has retired after 50 years of service.

David Paterson, 67, started working at Bright Steel Ltd in 1972, and retired this year (2022) on July 15.

The family-run business is based in Norton and is one of the largest producers of bright drawn steel flat and square bars in England, and among the largest in Europe.

After leaving Malton School at 16, David joined the company as a junior employee in the buying office.

Gazette & Herald: Two machined bars which have just completed production at Bright Steels LtdTwo machined bars which have just completed production at Bright Steels Ltd

“It was a bit strange coming from school,” he said.

“I was just coming up to doing my A-levels, and there wasn’t really anything that I fancied doing.

“The combination I wanted didn’t exist, so when I had a chance of a job I thought, right, I’ll take it.’”

When David joined the company, his job was to manage stock and orders.

He explained that this was a very different task in 1972, given that paperwork was handwritten, and his desk consisted of just a phone and a fax machine.

“Now you can do it all on the PC and send it off, you don’t have to post it or anything.”

Gazette & Herald: The picking of steel bundles to despatched to customers at Bright Steels LtdThe picking of steel bundles to despatched to customers at Bright Steels Ltd

David worked his way up the company from his initial junior position to assistant steel buyer.

He was then made steel buyer in 1992 and held the role until his retirement.

This role took him all over the world, to countries such as Sweden, Italy, Germany and more, to visit steel mills and purchase the raw materials needed for manufacturing.

David would also meet with representatives from companies when they visited Norton.

As time went on, he explained that these trips became less frequent.

Technological advancements meant that these trips have now been replaced by phone calls or online conversations.

Although David described himself as being not technologically minded, he did appreciate the good that has come with this significant change.

“It’s a lot more efficient,” he said.

“It used to take several days to get a reply, and you can keep on top of things a lot better.”

Of Bright Steel Ltd, David spoke highly of the company explaining that they would always grant time off if problems occurred and look after their employees.

“It’s a good family company,” he said.

Bright Steels Ltd has been under the ownership and control of the Chouler family since it was first established in 1919.

Phillip Jackson, managing director of Bright Steels Ltd, said: “Our employees are our greatest asset and are key components in allowing us to provide our customers, throughout the world with the very highest level of quality and service.

“With David we have two employees with 50 years of service in addition to a further 6 employees each with more than 40 years of service and 12 employees each with more than 25 years of service.

“(David) has greatly earned his retirement and leaves the company with the best wishes of all his colleagues.”