WITH spring on the way a group of volunteers are aiming to link DIY equipment with people that need it.

A Library of Things for Malton & Norton would provide a collection of items that would be available to borrow for a small, not-for-profit charge.

Library of Things (LoT) are being set up across the country by people looking to help build a better community.

A spokesperson for the Malton and Norton LoT said: "Back in the day you may have borrowed an item from a friend or neighbour, but somewhere along the way these connections have been lost.

"The Malton and Norton Library of Things is our small effort to contribute. If you feel the same way, you may want to help us on this journey and there are many ways that you can."

They added: "Do you want to deep clean the carpets, power wash the patio, steam strip your wallpaper or other projects but don’t have the equipment you may only use once? Perhaps you have lots of good, useful, working equipment cluttering up your garage or attic that needs sorting out?

"Spring is on the way, what better time to have a tidy up and embark on a project?"

The Malton and Norton LoT has started a collection of quality, domestic kit that is safe, insured and will be available to loan short-term for a small, not-for-profit charge.

The spokesperson said: "If you have tools or equipment that have done the job and are now just taking up space but are too good to be thrown away, why not donate to the Library of Things.

" De-cluttering helps us all feel lighter and donating to this project has the bonus of helping others tackle pressing domestic projects to improve their homes and lives. It may also encourage others to learn a new skill or discover a hidden talent such as gardening or crafting and they may just pass their new skills on too, it’s a win win. "

They added that they were also looking for people to share their skills.

"People using the Library of Things will be given instructions for the safe use of the equipment. Perhaps you could help with the hints and tips to ensure the borrower can produce the best possible result?

The spokesperson said they now wanted to know what local people would like from this service.

"What would you borrow - party stuff, a glitter ball, strimmer, tile cutter, sewing machine?

"By sharing tools and equipment through the Library of Things our towns will also reduce landfill and reduce our carbon footprint.

"We are working with several environmental groups, including Malton & Norton Environmental Group and Circular Malton.

"We are a small, keen team and are looking for help to open after Easter, in time for Spring.

"There will be a launch meeting in March, so please get in touch to let us know how you would like to help and please fill out the questionnaire to help us get started. "

The questionnaire can be found at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeFIMg0R1WIqL3RQkhcHGqd3Jm4G1gP9--6yMQu1J_FCxRzKQ/viewform