Malton School is appealing for information on previous head boys and girls.

The school is hoping to put up honours boards to record the pupils who have held the posts over the years and the winners of the House Competition.

Steve Fearnley, a former history teacher at Malton School who runs the Maltonian website, said: "Their informaan tion is a little patchy from 1971 to 2001, when the Head Boy and Girl offices were re-instated.

"Can anyone help fill in the gaps? Were you a head boy or girl? Can you remember who was during your time at school? Can anyone pinpoint when head boys and girls ceased to be appointed? "

The known names of the missing years are

• 1973-4 Paul Levesley and Christine Oxtoby

• 1974-5 Laurie Thackray, Elizabeth Wiles

• 1977-8 Paul Suddaby

• 1983-4 Vanessa Foxton (now Greenway), Mark Brigham

Steve said: "We have full records from 2001 onwards, when Phillippa Chapman and Mark Wylie became the first new appointments for some time.

"The school is also interested in the House Competition over the years. We are not sure what happened in the years 1971 – 1999."

Steve said Malton Grammar School had four houses: Carlisle, Fitzwilliam, Holgate, Willoughby, though until 1914 when numbers began to grow, only two of these, Fitzwilliam and Holgate, were in place.

"Two trophies remain in school - the first a 1912 wooden shield, with winners from 1913-1931, the second a silver cup with winners from 1939-1970.

"I am not sure what happened during 1932-1939."

Steve said Malton School had four houses named after local abbeys Byland, Kirkham, Rievaulx, Rosedale.

"This changed to three houses as roll numbers reduced - local rivers this time, of Derwent, Rye and Seven

I"n 1999 it reverted to four houses, Air, Earth, Fire, and Water

"With the school population expanding, 2017 saw two year groups, Year 7 and Year 9, with five tutor groups rather than four.

"Building continues around Malton and a large scale, most significantly on the old Showfield opposite the school. and predictions suggest there would be five form entry every year.

"Current headteacher Rob Williams decided that five houses would better suit this population, so that each tutor group could remain as a distinct house group, as had been the case since 1999.

"He decided to reinstate the old grammar school names - Carlisle, Fitzwilliam, Holgate, and Willoughby, and introduced a fifth name - Tudor. All these are benefactors of the school."

Anyone with further information should email Steve Fearnley at, who would like to complete the picture currently sketched out on the Maltonians website