TWO planned oversea trips for pupils at Malton School have been cancelled following the coronavirus outbreak.

In a statement headteacher Rob Williams said: "In the light of the Prime Minister’s announcement last night “advising” that all international school trips should not take place for the foreseeable future, we have sadly had to take the decision that the Battlefields & Mayenne Trip will NOT now take place.

"I have been in the process of trying to sort out all the insurance arrangements. These are not as straightforward as you may think as the policy, like most policies, provide cover if the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) enforce a travel ban or advise against all but essential travel. So, whilst we have a statement of advice from the Prime Minister we do not have a clear position on all travel to France and Belgium from the FCO. I have been seeking clarity on where we stand in order to protect the monies that you have paid and the financial position of the school. This has taken a bit of time this morning but you will be pleased to know that I now have confirmation that we are covered.

"I am very sorry and disappointed that the trip will not be able to go ahead this academic year but clearly the health and wellbeing of all the students, staff and their families is the top priority."

Meanwhile, a theatre show which was due to take place this weekend has also been cancelled.

Last Panto in Little Grimley was due to be performed on Monday, March 16, at Kirkbymoorside Methodist Church.