HERE is all your latest Vale and Dale news. Find out what is happening in your neighbourhood, check out when your parish council meets or simply plan ahead with details of events taking place round the corner.


Service - Sunday, August 18, 11am, St Hilda’s: Eucharist.


Barbecue - The annual village barbecue will take place in the village hall on Saturday, August 31, at 4pm. Adult £6 from any committee member.

Village hall committee - The new dishwasher has been fitted and the tiling and decorate of the toilets completed. Arrangements have been made for main hall floor to be re-varnish resulting in the hall being closed from August 11 to 19. It was agreed that the railings would be repainted as soon as a suitable quote was obtained and new outside lights purchased for the trees outside the hall. The next meeting is on September 25, at 2pm, while the AGM will be November 6, at 7pm, in the village hall.


Bridge club - The results of the meeting of the Bulmer Bridge Club on Thursday, August 8 were: North/South - 1st: Sandy and Peter Hill, 57.9 per cent per cent; 2nd: Sylvia Haines and Sylvia Roberts, 57.1 per cent. East/West: 1st: Jane Bartlett and Robin Garbutt, 64.9 per cent; 2nd: Val and Michael Allen, 59 per cent.


Service - Sunday, August 18, 9.15am, Holy Cross: Eucharist.


St Michael’s - Service at St Michael’s Church on Sunday, August 18, Holy Communion, at 11am, taken by Rev Michael Stephens. The Make Way service is on Tuesday, August 27, at 7pm.


Cream teas - The Helmsley branch of the RNLI is holding a cream tea in the garden at 19 The Limes, Helmsley, on Wednesday August 21, from 2pm to 4pm. Entry is £3 per person, which includes tea and cream scone. Raffle.


Bridge club - The result from Tuesday, August 6. North/South winners were Judith O’Donnell and David Whitehead with 56.2 per cent. In second place with 52.5 per cent were Pat Hainsworth and Angela Smith. East/West winners were Peter Small and Graeme Matthew with 57.8 per cent. In second place with 55.2 per cent were Bo and Tony Simpson. Peter and Graeme were the only pair to bid and make a small slam.

Thanks - Grateful thanks to all who supported the table top and coffee morning at the Methodist Church. It raised £174.20 for Tuesday Group funds. To have a table, which is provided, at the next event on Wednesday, August 28, phone 07814 896826. To reserve it is £5.

Official opening - Kirkbymoorside Town Brass Band would like to invite you to the official opening of the new concert hall in Manor Vale, Kirkbymoorside, on Sunday, September 22. Doors open 2.30pm, ceremony at 3pm.

All Saint’s Church - North York Moors Chamber Music Festival concert takes place in All Saints Church on Thursday, August 22, at 7pm. Tickets £12.50. To book, phone 07722 038990 or online

Gift Day - The annual gift day for All Saints Church is on Wednesday, August 21, from 8.30am to 1.30pm, outside Age UK in the Market Place.

Library - Storytime for under fives and their parents/carers on Monday, August 19, from 2.30pm to 3pm. Wednesday, August 21, children’s play session, from 10.30am to 11.30am. Free children’s activity, for ages two to six years. No need to book.

Afternoon tea - The get together for All Saint’s Church cleaners proved to be much enjoyed. Along with the vicar Rev Mark Brosnan, the two churchwardens Anne Warriner and Les Clarke and 12 members enjoyed sandwiches and homemade cakes. Entertainment was much enjoyed by Lilly Foster playing her recorder and Annie Foster playing the cornet. Thanks to Millie-Annie Foster and Gracie Ball for keeping everyone happy with cups of tea.


Festival - A festival of the Northern Saints will take place at St Mary’s Church, until Saturday, August 31. Visit To book, email, phone 01751 417007 or 01751 417223 or at the door.


Bridge club - Ed Robinson and Dave Massey were the winners on Wednesday with Audrey Shaw and Tim Johnson in second place. Terry Herbert and Dave Sonley took third place, ahead of Derek Fox and Richard Hilton in fourth.


Service - Sunday, August 18, 9.15am, Morning Prayer.


Show - Scarborough and District Railway Modellers hold their annual show on August 17 and 18. The venue is the Memorial Hall, Potter Hill, Pickering. It is open from 10am to 5pm on the Saturday and 10am to 4pm on the Sunday. Admission is £5 for adults and free for children under 16, if accompanied. One of the debut layouts is an interactive layout which is always popular with children.

Library - A pop-up miniature printing-making studio, fully equipped with instructions so you can make an original work of art to keep, will take place at Pickering library. Suzie Devey, a printmaker from Yorkshire was awarded funding from Arts Council National Lottery Project Grant (and other supporters) to create and tour the kiosk as a miniature printmaking studio. Suzie will be artist in residence at the kiosk as it pops up from Thursday, August 22 to Saturday, August 24. Suitable for all ages.

Bridge Club - In the latest session of duplicate bridge, the Handicapped Summer Competition, the winners were Isa Eggleston and Jacki Foggin with 74.22 per cent. In second place with 58.82 per cent were Madeleine Webber and Beryl Bramall. In third place, Tricia Pearce and Stan Bough with 57.99 per cent.

Draw - The numbers for the Pickering Town FC weekly draw for the week commencing August 5 were 18, 40, 26. There were no winners so next week’s pot will be £600 and the monthly draw winner of £50 was V Stephenson. There will also be a domino drive on Friday, August 16, at the Recreation Club, at 7.30pm.


Quiz - Four teams playing for £28 took part in Jennie’s Mega Quiz in the Fleece Inn. The winners with 61 points were Steve and Pete Bogg, second were Team @ the Bar (56.5) and third Sue’s Crew (55). After a tie-break with Sue’s Crew the £7 jackpot was won by Team @ the Bar. Jennie’s next mega quiz will be on Friday, August 23. Steve, Pete and Andrea were the winners of Jennie’s Sunday night quiz. The jackpot was a rollover.


Ryedale Landscape in War and Peace - On Saturday, August 24, from 10am to 1.30pm, Pickering library is to host a new display of responses of Ryedale residents and servicemen to the experiences of units which were based and trained hereabouts during the Second World War. This will present the Yorkshire units such as Green Howards, East Yorkshire and East Riding Yeomanry-all involved at Dunkirk then spearheading on D-Day 75 years ago in the 50th Northumbrian Division. With them on that day were the “anti-obstacle” force such as flail tanks of the 22nd Dragoons (and Royal Engineers) of 79th Armoured Division inspired by General Hobart, initially trained at Whitby and Helmsley, Ryedale, East Yorks and Scarborough with 11th Armoured - joined in Normandy and Europe by Guards Armoured. The display will be resourced by books from North Yorkshire Library Service stock and Rye Writers.


St Martin’s - The Vicar, Rev Andrew Moreland, led both morning services. At the 9.30am traditional service, Jean Donovan led the intercessions, Edna Burton accompanied the hymns, Marion and Jim Baird were the sidespeople and Julie Stephenson served refreshments between the services. At the 11am modern service, Elizabeth Bradley read and Richard Fuller led the powerful sung worship with John and Sue Grice and John Taylor. Jo Taylor was the welcomer and Elizabeth Bradley also served refreshments after the service.

Art exhibition - The Brushstrokes art exhibition at St Martin’s starts is open until Thursday, August 22, from 10am to 4pm, except Sundays, from 1pm to 4pm.

Methodists - The preacher at the service was Michael Earnshaw, the door steward was Sheena Dunnington, the vestry steward was Allan Dunnington, and Gay Marr was the organist. The offering was taken by Margaret Neave and coffee was served by Margaret Harris and Sheila Gray. The harvest celebrations begin with the coffee morning on September 14, followed by the harvest festival service on Sunday at 10.30am led by the Rev Leslie Newton, chairman of the district, with a traditional harvest lunch afterwards. Monday evening will have a harvest supper with entertainment, starting at 7pm. The preacher next Sunday at 10.30am will be the Rev Martin Calver.


St Hilda’s Church - Morning Worship was led by Barbara Grice who took “Faith” as the theme for the service. The lesson from Hebrews was read by Christine Ashton and Bill Hyndford supplied the music. Sidespersons were Sue Mennell and Carol Stephenson and coffee at the end of the service was served by Jean Usher and helpers. The next service at St Hilda’s will be Holy Communion on Sunday, August 25, at 9am.

Methodist news - The Tuesday Coffee Morning hostess was Kim Canterbury and during August your kind donations for coffee will be given for goods for the chapel kitchen. Craft club met on Thursday at 1.30pm and arrangements were made for a meal out together. Sunday worship was led by Bruce Clark who took the theme of “Faith”. They were welcomed by Jean Brown and Kim Canterbury who also read the Psalm. The reading from the book of Hebrews was given by Liz Aconley. After worship they enjoyed coffee together in the hall. The worship next Sunday at 10.30am will be led by the Worship Team.


Choral Evensong - Sunday 18th August, 6pm Choral evensong with Helmsley Chamber Choir.


Art exhibition - There are more than 100 entries for the annual Westow Art Exhibition which is over three days. Friday, August 16, (noon to 4pm and 7pm to 9pm), Saturday, August 17, (10am to 4pm) and Sunday, August 18 (10am to 4pm). Exhibits include sculptures, watercolours, oils, pastels and acrylics. Artists include Susan Broughton, Penny Abbey, Tony Hagyard, Jackie Smith, Jill Maud, Chris Turnbull, Francesca Penty, Audrey Gill, Evelyn Pennington, David Shaw, Judith Shaw, Carole Money, Penny Wicks, Amanda Pickles, G Alan Hogarth, Denise Barrett, Jacqueline Timbrell, Andrew Shaw, Ann Gillies and Chris Pearson. Money raised from the event will go towards the purchase of a defibrillator for Westow village (to be located either in the old phone box or on the wall of the village hall). Tea, coffee, cold drinks and home baking will be available throughout the event. There is to be a raffle for an original Amanda Pickles painting and is to be drawn on Sunday at 3.30pm. Tickets are £3 each or 2 for £5.

YCA meeting

Rillington - To celebrate their coral (35th) anniversary, 18 members gathered in Wintringham Community Hall for afternoon tea. Tracey Ireland had created and served the most delicious afternoon tea with lots of savouries and desserts. Margorie Grice sold tickets for the raffle which was won by Mollie Tindall. Following the afternoon tea, 19 members and three husbands visited Wack’s Wicked Plants at Scampston from where Peter (Wack) and his wife Helleentje grow, sell and exhibit carnivorous plants. They have won many gold awards at prestigious shows. The plants looked stunning with their many different shapes and colours. Sue Butler thanked Tracey for the afternoon tea and Peter for a very interesting visit.