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Public Notice

Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015

Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015

NOTICE UNDER ARTICLE 13 OF APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION Proposed development at Pickering 1 Wellsite, Malton Road, Pickering, North Yorkshire I give notice that Third Energy UK Gas Limited is applying to the North Yorkshire County Council for planning permission to CHANGE THE USE OF THE EXISTING PICKERING 1 NATURAL GAS PRODUCTION WELL TO A NATURAL GAS PRODUCTION AND PRODUCED WATER REINJECTION WELL. THE DEVELOPMENT INCLUDES WELL AND WELLSITE MODIFICATIONS TO FACILITATE THE CONTINUED PRODUCTION OF NATURAL GAS AND THE REINJECTION OF PRODUCED WATER FROM THE KIRKHAM ABBEY FORMATION INTO THE SHERWOOD SANDSTONE FORMATION, THE DRILLING OF UP TO FOUR GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING BOREHOLES (EACH BETWEEN 10M AND 20M IN DEPTH) AND WELLSITE RESTORATION. PLANT AND MACHINERY TO BE USED INCLUDES A WATER WELL DRILLING RIG (MAXIMUM HEIGHT 10M) COMPRESSOR, WORKOVER RIG (MAXIMUM HEIGHT 37M), FLUID PUMP, TANK, KOOMEY UNIT, WIRELINE TRUCK, WELL CONTROL PANEL, TRAILER, FILTRATION METERING AND SAMPLING SKID, PROCESS PIPEWORK, PERMANENT FLOWLINE PIPE SUPPORTS AND FLOWLINE. Any owner* of the land or tenant** who wishes to make representations about this application should write to the Council at North Yorkshire County Council, County Hall, Racecourse Lane, Northallerton, DL7 8AH by 23rd December 2015. * ”owner” means a person having a freehold interest or leasehold interest the unexpired term of which is not less than 7 years, or, in the case of a development consisting of the winning or working of minerals, a person entitled to an interest in a mineral in the land (other than oil, gas, coal, gold or silver). ** “tenant” means a tenant of an agricultural holding any part of which is comprised in the land. Signed On behalf of Third Energy UK Gas Limited Date 2nd December 2015 Statement of owners’ rights- The grant of planning permission does not affect owners’ rights to retain or dispose of their property, unless there is some provision to the contrary in an agreement or in a lease. Statement of agricultural tenants’ rights- The grant of planning permission for non-agricultural development may affect agricultural tenants’ security of tenure.

Published on 02/12/2015