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has been commissioned by THIRD ENERGY UK GAS LTD to undertake a three dimensional (3D) geophysical survey within a 123 square kilometre area covering parts of the Nunnigton, Hovingham, Terrington, Slingsby and Brawby areas (The Pickering West 3D survey).
The Pickering West 3D seismic survey will form part of Third Energy's ongoing licence commitment to the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) on its longstanding licences, and is aimed at defining the geological structural configuration in the licence area.Works will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Petroleum Act 1998 under licences PEDL 079 and PEDL 080 as issued previously to Third Energy by the DECC and will additionally comply with Part 22 Class B of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995.
Consultation has been undertaken with all the relevant Planning Authorities in addition to Conservation Bodies, Statutory Undertakers, Parish Councils and Police. Close liaison will be maintained throughout the survey with all such Authorities and Bodies.
Surveying operations will be confined predominantly to open farmland although some operations along roads may be necessary. The process will initially involve a number of specially adapted small agricultural tractors augering regularly spaced shallow holes along a series of pre-determined traverse lines. Down each such hole a small seismic source charge will be loaded. An extensive network of stand-alone receiver nodes will be positioned on the ground surface, with each such nodal traverse running perpendicular to the shot point traverses. Once sufficient nodal coverage is in place, and where possible, a convoy of two or more, slow moving specialist units will then travel along roads, and at regular intervals stop and send an energy signal into the ground. It is anticipated a distance of between 3 to 4 kilometres will be covered by these units per day. Alternatively on open farmland, individual shot points falling within this active recording area will be revisited and the source charge fired,possibly producing a slight background muffled 'thud'. This process will then slowly move across the survey area until the works are completed. In previous seismic surveys receivers used to be linked by cables that sometimes crossed public areas but the use of nodes now means the work will be cable-free and cause less interference to the local community or visitors.
Nodes will not be placed directly within the public carriageway, footpath,bridleway and/or driveway entrance, so vehicular and pedestrian access will not be restricted. Should a node be accidently touched it poses no danger. It is anticipated individual nodes will be left in position for approximately 8 to 10 days before being retrieved. Augering of shot points is scheduled to commence late June 2014, and it is anticipated acquisition of seismic data will be completed by end of August 2014. Similar 3D seismic surveys have been completed without incident in other licence areas in both Vale of Pickering and Ebberston Moor, in 2007 and 2012, for example, and this current survey represents part of a required ongoing survey programme.
All properties fronting each survey traverse line will receive an information leaflet prior to the start of the augering operations. TESLA would kindly ask for your patience and co-operation during all phases of the survey, and apologises in advance for any inconvenience caused. Should you require additional information regarding this survey please contact TESLA Exploration International
Ltd. at Unit 2 Nix's Hill, Nix's Hill Industrial Estate, Alfreton,
Derbyshire, DE55 7GN Tel: 01773 838950.
Alternatively contact the local survey field office
on 07586 658798.
Should you require more information, a public information day will be held at: Hovingham Village Hall on ,Tuesday 17th June 2014, from 2pm - 7pm
Representatives will be on hand to explain the surveys and answer any questions you may have. Further information is available at

Published on 11/06/2014